Changes in land use and climatic variation affect semi-natural meadows.
We are interested in the variability of structure and productivity
across time and the mechanisms by which plant species with different
life history traits regenerate and maintain species rich communities.
Our observations and experiments are based on measurements in the
field. Three long-term study sites are located in the Southern Alps.
We run complementary studies on soil seed banks and growth of seedlings
from different origin in a laboratory in the Botanical Garden Bern.
Automated instruments control the input of rain water
to the meadow plots
Numerous plants flower in the third year after sowing
After 16 years of resumed mowing, Brachypodium pinnatum still dominates in
this formerly abandoned meadow
Influence of drought
on regeneration and vegetation change (Swiss NSF grants 31-100612, 31-112639)
In the context of global climatic change ecologists expect that radical or irreversible
vegetation changes, involving local extinctions and invasions, are most likely
to follow extreme events.
Regeneration and long-term dynamics
in grasslands of southern Switzerland (Swiss NSF grant 31-55917.98)
Throughout Europe changes in land use have affected the plant species composition
of meadows. This has led to an increased interest in processes which allow many
species to regenerate and maintain species-rich meadows.
Vegetation dynamics in meadows and abandoned grasslands (Swiss NSF grant 31-41922.94)
During a period of 10 years, from 1988 to 1997, we monitored the species composition
in dry grasslands of high species richness at experimental sites in the ‘lower
montane zone’ of the southern Alps in Switzerland.
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Zeiter, M; Schärrer, S; Zweifel, R; Newbery, DM; Stampfli, A. 2016. Timing of extreme drought modifies reproductive output in semi-natural grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 238–248. [pdf]
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De Boeck, HJ; Hiltbrunner, E; Verlinden, M; Bassin, S; Zeiter, M. 2018. Legacy Effects of Climate Extremes in Alpine Grassland.
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De Boeck, HJ; Bloor, JMG; Kreyling, J; Ransijn, JCG; Nijs, I; Jentsch, A; Zeiter, M. 2018. Patterns and drivers of biodiversity–stability relationships under climate extremes.
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Berwaers, S; Beierkuhnlein, C; Arfin K; Mohammed AS; Apostolova, I; Altan, Y; Zeiter, M; Wellstein, C; Sternberg, M; Stampfli, A; Campetella, G; Bartha, S; Bahn, M; Jentsch, A. 2017.
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